Garapan Elementary School

Garapan Elementary School


Executive Summary


Garapan Elementary School is located in the western central section of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The school opened in 1967 and was relocated to its current location in 1968 after a devastating typhoon struck the island.  The school’s total population at the beginning of SY 2023-2024 was 460 students. The school zone caters to the villages of Garapan, Navy Hill, Chinatown, Puerto Rico, and Northern Gualo Rai.  


Of our total enrollment each year at GES, more than half of our students consistently qualify for the federal free meal program.  For the past five school years, all of our students were eligible recipients of the free and reduced breakfast and lunch program as a result of the Community Eligibility Provision Implementation. 


Although almost half of our students are of Filipino descent, GES serves a diverse ethnic population.  Student groups originate from different areas of the Pacific Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Asia, Bangladesh, Indigenous students of Chamorro and Carolinian descent, and students from culturally blended families. 


At GES, our Philosophy and Mission are the belief that children are our most valuable resource. Each comes to school as a dynamic individual with diverse experiences and abilities. Our primary goals are building enthusiasm for learning and an appreciation/awareness for themselves and others.  We believe that each child can reach their potential with involved families and a caring community. Providing an environment that promotes intellectual, academic, and social growth creates a brighter future for our school and community.

GES continues to commit to provide quality education that meets the needs of our students, staff, and parents. With our combined efforts, we aim to meet our critical initiatives as stated in our School-Wide Action Plan:

Critical Initiative #1

Student Success: If each student is provided with access to activities that offer equitable, rigorous, relevant, and evidence-based instruction and support, then they will be able to meet their grade level targets.


Number of Activities

By the end of SY 23-24, all students including ELL and IEP, will demonstrate a 3% growth in their Reading and Math skills, as measured by the STAR Assessments. 



Critical Initiative #2

High Performing System: If students are provided with access to activities that incorporate instruction and services informed by data and continuous improvement, then their growth will be guided towards becoming global citizens.


Number of Activities

By the end of SY 23-24, all students including ELL and IEP, will demonstrate a 3% growth in their Reading and Math skills, as measured by the STAR Assessments. 



Critical Initiative #3

High Performing Personnel: If students are provided with access to activities that leverage high performing personnel to provide instruction and support, then their growth will be guided towards achieving their desired outcome.


Number of Activities

By the end of SY 23-24, all students including ELL and IEP, will demonstrate a 3% growth in their Reading and Math skills, as measured by the STAR Assessments. 



Critical Initiative #4

Safe and Caring School: If students are provided with access to activities that foster the development of social-emotional skills that promote a safe and conducive environment, then they will be able to thrive and succeed. 


Number of Activities

By the end of SY 23-24, all students including ELL and IEP, will demonstrate a 3% growth in their Reading and Math skills, as measured by the STAR Assessments. 



Critical Initiative #5

Communication and Relations: If students are provided with access to activities that provide learning experiences through stakeholder partnerships, then they will be able to receive relevant and engaging education, responsive to their needs.


Number of Activities

By the end of SY 23-24, all students including ELL and IEP, will demonstrate a 3% growth in their Reading and Math skills, as measured by the STAR Assessments. 



Critical Initiative #6

Efficient and Effective Operations: If students are provided with access to activities that promote an efficient and effective organization, then they will be part of a well-managed system that maximizes resources to support growth.


Number of Activities

By the end of SY 23-24, all students including ELL and IEP, will demonstrate a 3% growth in their Reading and Math skills, as measured by the STAR Assessments. 



GES STAR STAR Early Literacy, Reading, & Math Screening 1 Assessment Data for SY23-24:

According to GES Screening 1 Data, 45% of our students in Kinder-1st Grade who took the STAR Early Literacy Assessment were performing At or Above grade level proficiency, 38% of our students in 2nd to 5th Grade who took STAR Reading Assessment were performing At or Above grade level proficiency, and 53% of our students in Kinder to 5th Grade who took STAR Math Assessment were performing At or Above grade level proficiency. 



School Budget (Local, Federal, Non-Appropriated Funds, Others)


Funding Source

Total Allocation

Personnel Local Budget (including all benefits)
CCLHS & Aides Local Funding Allocation for Personnel (excluding benefits)


Personnel Federal Budget (including all benefits)


Local Budget - Operations Allocation


Federal Consolidated Grant (School-wide Plan)


Federal Parental Involvement


GES Non-Appropriated Funds (PTA Funds)


GES Non-Appropriated Funds (Educational Tax Credit)


School Successes / Highlights

At the completion of SY 2022-2023, GES realized an increase from 36% to 52% of 2nd–5th grade students who performed at the “At or Above” Benchmark in STAR Reading. Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade assessed in STAR Math increased from 50% to 59% in the “At or Above” Benchmark category. In STAR Early Literacy, Kindergarten through 1st-grade students grew from 39% to 56% in the “At or Above” Benchmark. 

The After School Tutorial and Saturday Program, including the Progress Monitoring system, have been implemented to help increase student achievement through personalized learning programs. Student achievement results were monitored throughout the academic year to inform intentional instructional planning efforts. To individualize learning for all students and subgroups, GES has made investments in supplemental learning programs and resources. Teachers and staff were able to procure resources for their classrooms as well as engage in program support and training for professional learning.